Diva Knows Best

Diva Knows Best is equal parts sarcastic wit, mid-west sensibility, media savvy, and pop culture wonder. There’s a strong voice of someone who is fascinated by all things celebrity but can see through the slick manufactured façade to discover valuable life lessons.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Top Gun crashes

First, may I say goodbye to Ms. Patrice. The fellas of Supernova finally let her go peacefully in the night. No more uncomfortable "Soccer Mom Reliving Her Golden Years" moments.

Well, well. I couldn't let this go without mention. Tom Cruise was finally called on his bizarre behavior. Finally. Can you imagine how bad his behavior has been for Paramount to drop his sorry ass? I think everyone sensed that he had jumped the shark when he bounced on Oprah's couch. I think this is the beginning of the end. It's over.

I've never been a Cruise fan but I started to warm to him after MI:2. It was probably seeing him hugged up on the diva Newton. Who would have know he was down with the swirl? And I will admit it here that he was amazing in Magnolia. With that said, I think he had it coming. You can only alienate and talk down to people while pushing your faux-religion and overbearing ideas for so long. He can turn this around but he's going to have to seriously humble himself.

If I seem distracted in this posting, it's because I'm watching Project Runway. It's a trip. Jeffrey is a complete asshole. Gotta run the runway is calling.


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