Diva Knows Best

Diva Knows Best is equal parts sarcastic wit, mid-west sensibility, media savvy, and pop culture wonder. There’s a strong voice of someone who is fascinated by all things celebrity but can see through the slick manufactured façade to discover valuable life lessons.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thank You

With Thanksgiving approaching, it seems appropriate to use this as a time of refection and gratitude. I have a lot to be thankful for. Life moves fast and often prevents me from showing the proper sense of amazement and splendor that surrounds me everyday.

With that said, here are the things for which I am grateful:

My budding Diva - I can’t wait to meet her and figure out what makes her tick. From her raucous kicking, I’m guessing it’s Led Zeppelin and spicy foods.

Mozzarella sticks- It must be my need for calcium because I’ve craved and consumed many pounds of these melty treats over the past months.

Miracles- I’m thankful that I’ve only gained 13 pounds in eight months. I thought I’d be tipping 200 pounds by now. Of course, I expect my ass and nose to spread considerably in the last month.

The Food Network- I’ve been watching cooking programs like I am studying to be a chef. I’m utterly entertained watching chefs prepare foods that don’t even look appetizing to me. Go figure!

The Gods of Fashion- Who have bestowed an uncanny talent upon me that’s allowed me to look more put together than I did before pregnancy. I’ve actually made the beer belly look work.

Tums, Prune juice, Water and Pillows- These four things have made the last months bearable.

Britney Spears- God bless her troubled soul. Watching her life spin out of control has made my life (and I’m sure yours) seem a whole lot more normal.

May you have a happy and healthy holiday with the people you love and make you laugh. Happy Thanksgiving!



Blogger Tere said...

Aawww, I want to meet your budding Diva too! She's going to rock!

Also, thank God for Tums!

4:10 PM  

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