Diva Knows Best

Diva Knows Best is equal parts sarcastic wit, mid-west sensibility, media savvy, and pop culture wonder. There’s a strong voice of someone who is fascinated by all things celebrity but can see through the slick manufactured façade to discover valuable life lessons.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The people at Survivor have lost their damn minds

WHAT!!! If you haven't heard already, the idiotic people producing Survivor decided it would be a brilliant idea to divide the survivors into tribes based on race. RACE. Meaning there will be a black tribe, Asian tribe, Hispanic tribe and white tribe. I don't know that this is racist as much as it is a shameless marketing ploy. What's the purpose? To prove that these groups can survive in the wild. Hello, African savannah, rural China and South American rainforest. These groups have already proved that they are survivors.

This show just threatens to divide America further. What are the challenges? Hopefully, not based on stereotypes. Will the blacks have to face snakes adn swimming? Will the Asians have to do long division? Will the Hispanics have to pimp out their boat? Will the white tribe have to overcome their irrational fear of the other tribes?

And what kind of person would be part of this production. Oh, that's right the majority of these people are in the entertainment industry. That's right. They're all actors and poor misguided individuals who are looking for their 15 miutes of fame. As a minority, I'm appalled and disgusted. While I adore reality tv, I hate the calibur of people that crawl out of the woodwork for some of these programs. Hello, Flavor of Love or should I say Flavor of Strippers and other Women with Severe Low Self-esteem.

I call on everyone to boycott this show. What's next? Tribes based on religion, hair color or income. That's absolute crap and you know it. Fuck that.


Blogger Jeff Ronci said...

I can imagine a good satire, or maybe a good documentary, based on this premise, if handled creatively and responsibly. But for a reality show, I have no such illusions. I predict this ridiculous ploy will fail--quickly and deservedly.

11:09 AM  

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