Diva Knows Best

Diva Knows Best is equal parts sarcastic wit, mid-west sensibility, media savvy, and pop culture wonder. There’s a strong voice of someone who is fascinated by all things celebrity but can see through the slick manufactured façade to discover valuable life lessons.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Blah Factor

I was perusing an article on Kevin Costner in USA Today this morning. I was about a paragraph into the article when it dawned on me, I don’t care what KC has to say. Not to take away from his contributions to cinema and pop culture. Bull Durham alone places him in some of the most memorable scenes in film history. Unfortunately, outside of his movie personas and even in some of his roles, he’s truly dull. Boring. Uninteresting. It’s not his fault.

Despite the obvious push and careful orchestrations by clever studio suits to build movie stars, the process can only go so far. And what do we care? To some degree we don’t care if KC doesn’t entertain us with his sharp wit or mesmerizing stories. We care that he brings energy to a movie. However, it becomes tough when certain celebs are shoved down our throat and touted by agents, directors, co-stars and others making money off them as unique individuals. Not everyone can have the charm of Clooney, earthy likeness of Julia or charity mindedness of Brangelina.

They may be brilliant in their profession but lack that certain something personally. Here are my picks for stars that personify the Blah Factor:

Katie Holmes

You would think her emergence into higher celebrity echelon would raise my curiosity level but she’s still as dull as when she was on Dawson’s Creek. At this point her experience and courtship with her couch-jumping hubby haven’t added any edge to bland little Katie. Though her style profile has gone through the roof. Work those shoes, honey.

Carrie Underwood

She’s a delicate songbird with the personality of wrapping paper. Even though she’s showing more gumption now than her tenure on American Idol, she still lacks that personal sparkle. She needs to sass it up a bit.

Tobey Maguire

He’s a great Spidey but even in his roles he has a Rain Man meets the Tin Man quality. He’s not the most fascinating person in young Hollywood. Unless you’re into robots.

Nicole Kidman

Good thing she’s an amazing actress because she seems to be very reserved in her private life. I thought it was the pressure of being Mrs. Cruise but it turns out she’s just extremely distant and remote in person. And I think she has the beginnings of Jokeritis. Her forehead refuses to move.

Who do you think as the Blah Factor?

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Blogger Tere said...

Gwenyth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston

3:33 PM  
Blogger Jeff Ronci said...

Meg Ryan

2:23 PM  
Blogger Jeff Ronci said...

BTW, Meg's Blah Factor extends to her on-screen as well as off-screen persona.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Tere said...

Same with GP and JA, both on and off screen.

12:39 PM  

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